1. What is your Sex, age, height, weight, Estimated Body fat Percentage?
2. Do you have any injuries or mobility issues that would prohibit you from any specific movements or exercises?
3. What does your current training look like?
4. Do you prefer basic linear progression (5x5, 10x3 etc), rotating percentages (cube method, DUP etc..), Powerbuilding, Mass Building, Dark Horse, 4 Horsemen, or conjugate method type of workouts? iI just need to know this so I have an idea of what to layout
5. What type of equipment do you have access to? Do you have access to Strongman implements? Do you have access to an open area (group fitness room, sport related court, Parking Lot, Field, etc.)
6. What exactly are you training for? (Overall health, Powerlifting comp, Strongman Contest, Bodybuilding, etc...)
7. What does your diet look like?
8. How many days would you like to go to the gym a week? And then…How many times will you realistically actually go per week?
9. What are your current 1 Rep Max for the following exercises?
Power Clean:
Overhead Press:
Front Squat:
Bench Press:
10. Where are your weak points/sticking points on the:
Overhead Press:
11. What are the specific goals you are hoping to reach by the end of the program? What are your goals you would like to hit by the end of the year?
12. Are there any exercises, you would choose to stay away from? What is your favorite exercise?
13. Are you training for a specific competition? If so, which one?
14. How Many years have you been training seriously?
15. Finally how did you hear about NEVERsate or my Programming? Did someone refer you? (I like to help out those who have helped me)
There are a couple of options that we offer at NEVERsate.com. The First is a few different $25 Programs that are the result of years of trial and error during the personalized process. (Available in our Store)
I have boiled down what has worked the best for most lifers in those programs and then wrote it all out in ebook style for people who want to run my training at a lower price point. That said, there is NO extra coaching associated with these programs at all and you can pick them up in the STORE immediately. (Descriptions of each and equipment requirements are on that page as well)
The second option is a 12 Week Online personalized program ($150.00). The way it basically works is you Email me at NEVERsate@Gmail.com with the answers to the questionnaire to the LEFT. Once I have this information, it helps me decide if I can write you an adequate program to match your individual goals, medical history and equipment access. (You pay AFTER we have exchanged a few emails) it usually takes me a few days to get the program completely planned/written out and then I send it to you and you can get started. I don't mind answering questions for clarification and things like that on a personalized program, but I am a very busy guy, so you basically just buy the program and you are off on your own.
Another option for Programming is the NEVERsate Daily Workout Archives. These ebooks (Available in our Store) are the EXACT workouts that we followed each year at NEVERsate Athletics. This gives you 4+ full programs each year to run with over 200 pages of workouts in each book. Great for conditioning challenges, program templates, group training ideas and seeing how we became one of the top 50 gyms in the nation. - These sessions do involved strongman equipment though, so make sure you have access or are good at swapping out with alternate exercises.
The Third option is a 1 Hour Coaching Consultation Call. ($99) Each call is scheduled individually and you can spend :60 Minutes one on one with Brian discussing whatever topics you would like. Lifting, Business, programming, diet, life, Youtube, Advice….Absolutely anything you want!
Just make sure you email NEVERsate@Gmail.com before purchasing so scheduling can be set up!
I also offer a 1 time Form Check for $150.00 For people who do not need as much coaching but just need a touch up every so often. With this option, you send 3 videos of whatever Lift you choose (one from the front or Rear, one from the Direct Side and one from the 3/4 Angle). I critique your technique and try to diagnose any problems you may have and offer solutions that may help over email. That is $150 Per Exercise. Make sure you email NEVERsate@Gmail.com before purchasing!